Give Back towards Smiles & Global Good
Today we were able to donate to Smile India Foundation, towards the Education for 1 Child for 1 Year, as a part of our CSR activities. We launched Funkhyde amidst Lockdown and Uncertainty. We weren’t even sure, whether the Brand would work or not. Thanks to our lovely customers, we got really good response from Indian Users for our First Design Amurra. We launched in October, with just 3 Colors in 1 Design Amurra. Today we have nearly 13 Products. And in the coming week, we will be launching 2 New Designs in 20 Colors. While everything is going good, we love to do our Part towards Society.
Since the Idea Inception of Funkhyde India, we had decided that Funkhyde will be a For Cause Brand. We don’t know if you ever noticed, but in our About us we had proudly stated that we would donate 2% of the revenue generated towards Global NGOs supporting Education among the Poor. And we are able to fulfil a part of it today. So Remember, with Funkhyde you are not just buying a pair of Beautiful Footwear, but also contributing towards making the world a better place.

We thank all our customers for their Overwhelming Response. Since our Launch, until Last Quarter End (31/03/2021), at 2% Revenue, we were able to sponsor Education for 1 Child for 1 Year. We will be back after Quarter Ending in September to give back more. Thanks to all and Happy Shopping. #StayHome #StaySafe